Heirloom Collection
Cailen Speaks
Topographical map, Resin & Ashes
Artist crafted contrasting Wenge & Birch hardwood frame, bolted stainless steel corner detail
Graffiti is part of a special Heirloom Family Collection expressed through a contemporary interpretation of graffiti.
Galactic Coeur
Resin & Ashes
Artist crafted Bubinga hardwood frame
This electric galactic piece is part of a Family Heirloom Collection expressing the depth and wonder of the nights sky. Never stop holding an ear close to the beat of a heart, for that rhythm can take you through life.
Pre:Histori:c Winds
Navigational map, Resin & Ashes
Artist crafted 2 toned Wenge & Birch hardwood frame, bolted stainless steel corner detail
Prehistoric Winds depicts the connection felt through the movement and horizon of the mountains. Breath deep and make big moves!